Welcome to the Radio Caroline daily quiz with its vast selection of questions on many topics, some easy – some less so.
Click the answer you think is correct from three possible answers.
If you get all six questions right you may win a prize by submitting your details for the 'Daily Quiz Weekly Draw' and filling-in the form which will appear below.
Click 'Start Quiz' button to display today's questions and start the 60 second timer
Draw winner 7th March: Michael Jones, Southend
Next draw: Listen on-air at 12 noon Thursday 17th March
If you enjoy quizes then how about sending in a question or two to challenge others?
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All answers checked against Wikipedia
Note: We are no longer sending confirmation emails as so many end up caught by 'Junk' filters.
Having answered today's questions correctly you are entered in next week's Daily Quiz Weekly Draw, which will take place at noon on – so listen if you can.
You can help choose the winner too by becoming a Radio Caroline 'Nudger'! Open our Daily Quiz page on a Monday any time after 10 a.m. – but before the draw at noon – and click the 'Nudge' button which appears there for just two hours a week. A random number is automatically generated and sent to our Database. This is used to 'kick' our Randomiser a little when it chooses this week's winner.
Radio Caroline, the former North Sea 'pirate', has been a digital broadcaster since the turn of the 21st century and continues to build a worldwide audience who prefer a much wider choice of music than the high-rotation formats doled out by most local and national broadcasters.
The station is financed mainly by listener donations and by our Support Group who agree to a minimum donation of £7.50 per month via standing order.
We do accept a certain amount of advertising and if you are interested in either becoming Support Group member, advertiser or one-off donator then please go to our website at www.radiocaroline.co.uk for details.
Best regards
Pat Edison